Small Dog Socials
Is your newly adopted small dog too old for our puppy socials? Does your small dog need some socialization, exposure and confidence building? This Small Dog Social is perfect for adolescent and adult small dogs who are 6 months or older and are under 25 lbs. This class is designed to develop a solid foundation of basic training skills so all members of the family can interact safely and confidently.
- 6 months old & above
- Current weight is under 25 lbs
- Dog must have been in your home for AT LEAST 7 days prior to the first social
- Your dog must be FULLY vaccinated AT LEAST 7 days prior to the first social
- Bordetella (Kennel cough) and Canine Influenza Virus H3N2/H3N8 vaccines recommended, but not required. Please consult your veterinarian.
- Your dog must not attend class wearing a slip, shock, choke or prong collar. Flat collars or harnesses ONLY.
- This social is not appropriate for fearful, aggressive, or reactive dogs or dogs who bark excessively. Owners of dogs who exhibit signs of these issues are encouraged to seek out private training.
- A harness or an anti-pull harness or a flat collar (No prong, choke or shock collars are allowed)
- A 4-6 foot lead
- Tasty treats